On-Line Tournaments


IGBO Best 6 of 12 Multi-City Tournament


Fall 2024 (October/November)

FALL 2024 IGBO Best 6 of 12 

Multi-City Tournament Dates

October 13th - November 9th, 2024

Tournament benefits: 

50% to IGBO Annual in Las Vegas, NV - June 2025 and 

50% to IGBO Annual 2030 - 50 YEARS


Entry Forms & Instructions

Documents (click each PDF to Download)


LETTER - Leagues - Fall 2024.pdf

ENTRY FORM - Leagues - Best 6 of 12.pdf

IGBO REP Tally Spreadsheet - Best 6 of 12.xlsx

IGBO Reps must submit your league bowler's information and scores as well as payment by Nov. 16th


LETTER - Associate - Fall 2024.pdf

ENTRY FORM - Associate - Best 6 of 12.pdf

IGBO Associate must submit your scores by Nov. 12th 

Results posted by Dec.1st with payout to be sent out on Dec. 15th. 

SPRING 2025 – Mar. 2nd to Mar. 29th – Due by Apr. 5th – Results Apr. 20th

FALL 2025 – Oct. 12th to Nov. 8th – Due by Nov. 15th – Results Dec. 1st 


IGBO League Members should consult their IGBO Representative or IGBO Regional Director for information on the tournaments

Associates contact the Director at Large @ dal@igbo.org or the Fundraising committee @ fundraising@igbo.org


Spring 2024 (March/April)

Spring 2024 IGBO Best 6 of 12 Multi-City Tournament Dates:  

March 10th to April 6th, 2024


We had 37 leagues + 3 associate participate for 602 entries, 1 donation.

482 HDCP and 120 Scratch paying out 48 and 12 places respectively. 
Raised $2,060 for our IGBO Annual 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada

Documents (click each PDF to Download)

SPRING 2024 Results Letter - Best 6 of 12 Multi-City.pdf

SPRING 2024 Results - Handicap.pdf

SPRING 2024 Results - Scratch.pdf


SPRING 2025 (March/April)

Spring 2025 IGBO Best 6 of 12 

Multi-City Tournament Dates

March 2nd to March 29th, 2025

Tournament benefits: 

50% to IGBO Annual in Las Vegas, NV - June 2025 and 

$50% to IGBO Annual 2030 - 50 YEARS  

Watch for Entry Forms & Online instructions on February 9th, 2025

Documents (click each PDF to Download)


LETTER - Leagues - Spring 2025

ENTRY FORM - Leagues - Best 6 of 12

IGBO Rep Tally Spreadsheet - Best 6 or 12

IGBO Reps must submit your league bowler's information and scores as well as payment by Apr. 5th


LETTER - Associate - Fall 2024

ENTRY FORM - Associate - Best 6 of 12

IGBO Associate must submit your scores by Apr. 1st.

 Results posted by Apr. 5th with payout to be sent out on Apr. 20th 


 IGBO Best 6 of 12 Multi-City Tournament Rules:

  1. Open to:
    • Rostered League Bowlers bowling in an IGBO Member League(s)
    • IGBO Associates who bowl in a non-IGBO League(s)
    • IGBO League & Associate Bowlers can ONLY enter once PER IGBO/Non-IGBO League bowled
  2. Payment:
    • For IGBO League Bowlers – Payment MUST be turned into your IGBO Rep of the league the scores were bowled prior to the start of bowling on the first, second, or third week.
    • For IGBO Associates - Payment MUST be made within two days of the week, first, second, or third, you wish to start the tournament. 
    • Your scores are ONLY valid from the week that you provide payment to your league IGBO Rep.
  3. Scores: 
    • Each week enter on the Tournament Entry Form the SCRATCH scores bowled each week during regular league competition for the month, for specific league.
    • NO post bowl or pre-bowl permitted.
    • If bowler is absent during a specific month’s date games/series shall be zero.
    • Upon the completion of bowling the fourth week, you MUST, no exception, turn in the Tournament Entry Form into your IGBO Rep., or Associates MUST submit your scores as outlined in the Associates instructions and letter.  
  4. Entering Average:
    • Use Bowler's 2023-2024 USBC composite average (one league MUST have at least 21+ games or more) from Bowl.com.  
    • If no USBC composite, Bowler’s may use their CURRENT league average from the league the entry is submitted from (must have 12 games or more).
    • If none of the above, bowler may bowl with zero handicap (scratch) - Make a donation
  5. Handicap: 90% of 235.
  6. Payout: 
    • Payout ratio shall be at least 1 for each 10 entries.
    • Handicap and Scratch entries will have Separate Prize Fund and Payout.
  7. To Report your scores (Deadline: Leagues by Nov. 16th, Associates by Nov. 12th.): 
    • IGBO League Bowlers:
      • At the end of the fourth week, all scores must be turned into your IGBO Rep.  
      • Check with your IGBO Rep as to how they plan to handle tracking your scores.
    • IGBO Reps:
      • Enter all bowlers scores onto the IBGO REP Tally Spreadsheet.
      • Go to the link below, follow the instructions provided with click on ENTRY FORM UPLOAD, upload the spreadsheet along with the league standing sheets of the first, second, and third week.
      • Retain all Tournament Entry Forms until results are posted, as Fundraising committee may reach out to you for verification, or you can upload them too with the other items.
    • IGBO Associates:
      • Complete your Tournament Entry Form(s) and have league secretary verify scores and average.
      • Go to the link below, follow the instructions provided with your Entry Form. 
      • See UPLOAD & make PAYMENT.
    • IGBO Website: www.txsuperslam.com/results-entry-bowler-info 


For SPRING 202X - We had XX leagues + X associate participate for XXX entries.

XXX HDCP and XX Scratch paying out XX and X places respectively.    
Raised $XXXX for our IGBO Annual 202X in XXXXXX

Documents (click each PDF to Download)

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