IGBO Annual 2023 Proxy- Seattle WA

Welcome to the IGBO Proxy. A league or tournament may be represented at a General Membership Meeting by proxy if neither the representative nor the alternate representative can be present. To designate a proxy holder, submit this form prior to the start of the General Membership Meeting. To be valid, this form must be received no later than 8AM EST Tuesday May 23, 2023. After you SUBMIT the form a confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided. Please review this for accuracy. If you find any typos or corrections, please email Secretary@IGBO.org.

Enter your League or Tournament Name

Location *

(US / CA / AU / NZ / DE / GB)

Person authorizing Proxy Form *

Email *

The confirmation email will be sent to this Email Address

Designating a Proxy

To name a specific individual to represent your league / tournament at the GMM, enter the name below. A person can represent only three (3) members at a meeting. Please verify that this individual is able to represent your league/tournament before putting their name on this form. If you leave this field blank, a member of the Board will find a Proxy Designee on your behalf.

IGBO Attestation for e-Signature

By checking the box below I certify that I am the person named above and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the named league/tournament